Welcome to THE Expressive AI website !

The website was initially launched as part of the symposium titled, “Cinematic Experiments with Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Expressive and Activist Potential of A.I from an Arts and Humanities Perspective”, organized by NYU Cinema Studies professor Dr. Marina Hassapopoulou , who is the recipient of an International Research and Collaboration Award from the University of Cambridge’s Mellon Sawyer seminar “Histories of Artificial Intelligence: A Genealogy of Power”. Now the site has grown into an archive, news resource, and directory of a broad range of creative experiments with AI, machine learning, algorithmic tools, and more!

For latest updates, check out the News & Events blog (drop-down menu) – contact us if you would like to be a guest contributor for upcoming events and projects.

The website also functions as an open archive for expressive and cinematic projects that incorporate, employ and/or critique A.I (Artificial Intelligence) technology and aesthetics. While the archive attempts to cover a wide range of projects, exhibitions, archives, research labs and films across diverse disciplinary and national borders, we acknowledge that it is impossible to compile all the materials. As an ongoing and collaborative archival project, we are looking for your contribution. Please use the comment section or email addresses on the contribution page if you have something to share. You can also contact us directly. Your contribution will be much appreciated and we will update the website as soon as possible.

Feel free to submit your work, contact us for guest contributions for our News Blog section, and let us know how you are using ExpressiveAI.net! So far, this website has provided inspiration for new projects, innovative initiatives, events, and course syllabi. We would love to hear from you on how you are using our website to motivate us to keep growing even after the funding has ran out!

Thank you for visiting the website!

*Disclaimer about the images: The featured images on this website are either from Pixabay, an online database for copyright free images, or from the symposium’s featured artists’ websites under their permissions. The images on certain pages were created in collaboration with the Deep Dream Generator, an AI-driven image generating software.